Saturday 6 April 2013

WoW: Isle of Giants (part 2)

I killed that world boss Oondasta that I mentioned in last post. Was pretty hard yeah but there were about 50 of us doing it so we managed on 3rd try. Didn't get any loot, but I got an achievement for it.

Dead Oondasta

We died a few times...

Also this will probably be a WoW blog now mostly. Might post about other games too, and anything else like that.

Oh also (on an unrelated note), this is my new favourite picture ever:

Friday 5 April 2013

Fanfic Count 05/04/2013 - 12/04/2013

Keeping a count of how many fanfics I read in a week. I'm reading less books than I did when I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure I'm reading the same amount, if not more, than I used to. So I'm making a list.

Drabble = 1000 words or less
Short fic = 1000 - 10,000 words
Fanfic = 10,000 - 50,000
Bloody epic fanfic = shit-ton of words that I tend to start at night and then berate myself for ever starting it

(Raid night so list is shorter)
10 Drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
9 short fics (BBC Sherlock)
2 Fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
About 1/4 of a Bloody epic fanfic (Harry Potter) that I started at about 23:30 and then berated myself for ever starting it

(Second raid night)
5 short fics (BBC Sherlock)
1 fanfic (BBC Sherlock)

2 drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
12 short fanfics (BBC Sherlock, & Star Trek: The Original Series)
7 fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
Half way through the bloody epic fanfic (Harry Potter)

4 drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
7 short fanfics (BBC Sherlock, & Buffy)
2 fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
Finished the bloody epic (Harry Potter). It was apparently 210 283 words long.

1 Drabble (BBC Sherlock)
11 Short fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
1 fanfic (BBC Sherlock)

3 Drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
8 short fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
1 fanfic (BBC Sherlock)

3 drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
9 short fanfics (BBC Sherlock)
3 fanfics (BBC Sherlock)

(Raid night)
3 Drabbles (BBC Sherlock)
7 short fics (BBC Sherlock)

Saturday 9 March 2013

WoW: Isle of Giants

I decided to try out the other new level 90 place today.
It's called Isle of Giants and its basically just full of dinosaurs.

There aren't any quests. Each dinosaur drops some Giant Dinosaur Bones. If you collect 9999 bones you can buy a mount.

Reins of the Bone-White Primal Raptor

I think there's also a chance for some of them to drop mounts and other stuff too I'm not sure.
There's also a world boss Oondasta. Haven't seen him on the island yet.


I hadn't realised they were all elite!

So I got to the island (by flying over then getting dismounted because no flying allowed apparently) and there were just level 90 elite dinosaurs everywhere.

I tried in frost spec first (I was on my main the Deathknight) and I managed to kill one of the smaller ones but almost died. Then I tried a bigger one and it one-shotted me. :/

So I changed to blood spec and it got a lot easier. I mean I was killing them slower, but at least I was surviving (mostly - I still haven't tried killing one of the huge ones again). I even managed to pull two at once and not die.

But after an hour I had 58 bones and pretty much nothing else.

Its going to take ages to get that mount!

Have a picture that I took when I got the center of the Island. Look at all those dead people. XD

Saturday 2 March 2013


The best autocorrect?
It's when you forget to change the language of the keyboard. Ends up in illegible messages with maybe the odd word that remains the same and which you use as a clue to translate it.

Aka this: yeah bus i diante lide Himalaia In chat
Was supposed to be: yeah but I didn't like him in that

Monday 25 February 2013

Night. Or, Carl is terrible at titles and blog posts.

My favourite time of day is the night, especially when everyone is asleep. Although it's usually different depending on where I am. Right here it's so quiet that if I so much as do anything in my room it bloody well echoes. When I'm at my Grandma's apartment in Brazil it's still fairly loud at night in comparison (although distinctly more quiet than Brazil during the day).
The quiet is nice, and the lack of light is nice. I love the dark sky. And with (mostly) everyone asleep I can pretty much just be alone. I think that's my favourite part of it all.

I have no idea what this post is supposed to accomplish, if anything at all. I just thought I'd post something a bit different and this is what I was currently thinking about.

Thursday 21 February 2013


"Nothing ever happens to me." - John Watson's first blog entry.

Sunday 17 February 2013


Cannot remember everything that has happened since last update.

I managed to get that second 90 character on WoW.

Been writing again.

Got into suburgatory lately. Seen eps 1-9, 10-15 are downloading right now for later.

Going to watch The Following later! Really loving that show.

Started watching Camelot too but don't think I'm going to continue with it. I like neither Arthur nor Merlin in it.

That's about it.