Friday 1 February 2013


Today I:

Played World of Warcraft
Went to IKEA again
We saw Tony while we were in IKEA and spent most our time there keeping an eye out for him so we wouldn't bump into him or something
Built a bookcase
Spent about 3 hours on y!answers answering idiotic questions
Sold my PS2 + games on eBay, guy is coming to collect it tomorrow
Looked at more flats in Leeds to rent (why are there so many that say available from July???)

Also yesterday I registered with a local dentist and managed to get an appointment for this coming Monday.
Mum was so pissed off. She has an appointment on Wednesday that she's been waiting months for.

Also I have not shaved for 14 days. (I'm not shaving for 30 days per suggestion of online person in re: to shaving issues) Will look like bloody Gandalf by day 30! (That may be an exaggeration)

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